

昨日話題になったおもしろ news から

In an interview with Newsweek magazine, Mrs Clinton has described Helen Clark as a "former" prime minister of New Zealand.The comment came during an interview with magazine when Mrs Clinton was asked to tell a joke."Here's a good one," she said. "Helen Clark, former prime minister of New Zealand: her opponents have observed that in the event of a nuclear war, the two things that will emerge from the rubble are the cockroaches and Helen Clark."The Dominion Post reported today that Helen Clark found the anecdote amusing and suggested Mrs Clinton should talk to her husband, former US president Bill Clinton."As a current prime minister I spoke with him as a former US president in London only two weeks ago."Mrs Clinton once said her parents named her after Sir Edmund Hillary. Then it was pointed out to her that she was born more than five years before he climbed Mt Everest.

(newsか ら抜粋概訳)
ヒラリークリントン夫人はNewsweek magazine 誌のインタビューに、NZのヘレン・クラーク首相を、首相と表現して物議をかもしている。


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